Friday, 19 April 2013

POP Chinese -- 光盘行动


光(guāng)盘(pán) literally means disk; however, after the Chinese New Year 2013, an unofficial campaign used this word, changed its original meaning, and has become a hot topic online. The Chiense character光(guāng) also means “nothing left”; and盘(pán) by itself is plate. Therefore, 光(guāng)盘(pán) is used as “clean up your plate”, or “eat up”. Chinese netizens have launched an online campaign against waste on dining tables, calling for people to take leftovers home after banquets. This campaign dubbed "clean your plate" has received great support on Sina Weibo. A large number of restaurants in Beijing have also joined the move against wasting food by offering smaller dishes and half-portioned dishes. The aim of the campaign is not only to encourage people to finish their food; it can also motivate people to choose a more environment-friendly and healthy lifestyle.

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