Thursday, 29 November 2012


gěi lì
Meaning: Helpful, awesome, brilliant 
              Zhè ge yóu xì zhēn gěi lì
Example: 这个游戏真给力!
Meaning: This game is great!

hǎo jiǔ bú jiàn
Meaning: Long time no see.

                        hǎo jiǔ bú jiàn zěn me yàng
Example: Mary, 好久不见,怎么样?
Meaning: Long time no see, Mary, how’s everything going?

shòu shēn
Meaning: Slimming; streamlining; reducing the size of almost anything

                cháng hē chá kě yǐ bāng zhù shòu shēn
Example1: 常喝茶可以帮助瘦身。
Meaning: Drinking tea is good for slimming down.

                zuì jìn gǔ shì bù hǎo, wǒ de tóu zī shòu shēn le bù shǎo
Example 2: 最近股市不好,我的投资瘦身了不少。
Meaning: The stock market was not doing well recently, my investment has shrunk quite a bit (lose money).

gǎo xiào
Meaning: Amuse; make people laugh; not true/joking 
                     hěn huì gǎo xiào, jīng cháng gěi tong shì shuō xiào huà
Example1: Zac很会搞笑,经常给同事说笑话。
Meaning: Zac is very good at making people laugh, and he often shares jokes with his colleagues. 

                 gōng jī shēng dàn, zhēn shì tài gǎo xiào le
Example 2: 公鸡生蛋,真是太搞笑了。
Meaning: It is amusing to hear that roosters can hatch eggs.

mǎi dān
Meaning: Pay the bill

                Jīn tiān wǎn fàn lái mǎi dān
Meaning: Tonight’s dinner is on me.

rén qì wàng
Meaning: Hot, popular
                 zhè ge cān guǎn rén qì hěn wàng
Example1: 这个餐馆人气很旺。
Meaning: This restaurant is very popular.

                zhāng zi yí shì yī wèi hěn yǒu rén qì de diàn yǐng míng xīng
Example 2: 章子怡是一位很有人气的电影明星。
Meaning: Zhang, Ziyi is a very popular celebrity in China.

yì yán wéi dìng
Meaning: Certainly; Deal!

                yì yán wéi ding, wǒ men míng tiān jiàn
Example1: 一言为定,我们明天见!
Meaning: Deal, see you tomorrow!

chī xiāng
Meaning: Something is very popular.

              jīn róng zhuān yè zài zhōng guó hěn chī xiāng
Example: 金融专业在中国很吃香。
Meaning: The major of Finance is very popular in China.

xià le kǔ gōng
Meaning: Spend a lot of time and energy to do something.

Meaning: it is a metaphor means “a small piece of cake”. Not a big deal.

           de zhōng wén shuō zhēn hǎo, kěn ding xià le gōng ba
            xiǎo yì si
John 小意思。

Steve: Your mandarin speaking is so good. You must spend a lot of time to practice.
John: It is just a small piece of cake.

zhēn yǒu yì sī
Meaning: Something or someone is very interesting.

                jīn tiān wǒ qù kàn guó qìng jié you xíng le, zhēn yǒu yì sī
Example1: 今天我去看国庆节游行了,真有意思。
Meaning: I went to watch the National Day parade, it was fun.

guó qìng jié               you xíng
国庆节:National Day 游行:The parade

                       fē cháng ài kāi wán xiào, tā zhēn yǒu yì sī
Meaning: John loves making jokes, he is really a funny guy.
fēi cháng       kāi wán xiào
非常:very    开玩笑:making jokes

zhēn méi
Meaning: Something or someone is boring or not funny.

            xiàn zài de diàn jié zhēn méi
(xiàn) (zài) (de)current (diàn) (shì) (jié) (mù)TV program
Meaning: Current TV programs are boring.

                        shì hěn yán de rén, huān kāi wán xiào, zhēn méi
Example2: Echo 是个很严肃的人,不喜欢开玩笑。她真没意思。
              huān          kāi wán xiào
严肃:serious 不喜欢:dislike 开玩笑:make jokes
Meaning: Echo is a serious person. She doesn’t like making jokes. She is so boring.
(She is not funny.)

xià tái jiē
Meaning: get out of the embarrassing situation; get a way out
             hǎo si yào zǎo diǎn kāi,   gǎn jǐn gěi tái jiē, shuō yào zǒu le
Meaning: She feels sorry to have to leave earlier, I then give her a way out and say that I have to go too.

méi jìn ér
Meaning: Boring; not intriguing 

              zhěng tiān zài jiā dāi zhe zhēn méi jìn ér, yīng gāi chū qù zǒu zǒu
Example: 整天在家呆着真没劲儿,应该出去走走。
Meaning: Staying at home all day is boring, better going outside.

méi zhǔn er
Meaning: Not sure; may be

    zhè ge xīng qī wǔ nǐ qù cān jiā de shēng rì wǎn huì ma
Q: 这个星期五你去参加Amy的生日晚会吗?
    méi zhǔn er. wǒ rú guǒ jiā bān jiù qù
A: 没准儿。我如果不加班就去。

Q: Are you going to Amy’s birthday party this Friday night?
A: Not sure. I will if I don’t need to work overtime.

 (méi) (xì)
Meaning: Hopeless; fat chance 
                            hěn piào liang yòu hěn xìng gǎn, nǐ xiǎng tā yuē huì, hé wǒ kàn méi xì
Example: Christina 很漂亮又很性感,你想和她约会,我看没戏。
Meaning: Christina is very pretty and hot, a date with her, I bet you a fat chance.

méi pǔ ér
Meaning: Unsure; have no idea/no clue; logically impossible

                 zhè ge yuè de zhàng dān gāo dé méi pǔ er
Example 1: 这个月的账单高得没谱儿。
Meaning1: This month’s bill is shockingly high.

 méi zhé le
Meaning: no idea what to do
              wǒ yǐ jīng xiǎng le hěn duō bàn fǎ xiàn zài zhēn méi zhé le
Example: 我已经想了很多办法,现在真没辙了。
Meaning: I’ve tried many ways, so far just can’t help.

méi shù ér
méi                  shù ér
means “ no” , 数儿means “numbers”. The meaning of the phrase is: not sure, not decided, unsettled
             shì bu shì kě yǐ tōng guò kǎo shì, wǒ xīn li yě méi shù ér
Example: 是不是可以通过考试,我心里也没数儿。
Meaning: I am not sure if I can pass the exam.

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