Tuesday, 15 January 2013

POP Chinese -- 吃

“Eating(吃chī)” is a big part of Chinese culture, so is the Chinese language. Here are some of the most commonly used phrases in daily situations involved with “eating 吃(chī)”
1. 吃醋(chī cù) - jealous 
2. 吃香(chī xiāng) - popular 
3. 吃亏(chī kuī) - suffer a loss
4. 吃苦(chī kǔ) - hardworking 
5. 吃力(chī lì) - difficult 
6. 吃不准(chī bù zhǔn) - not sure 
7. 吃不消(chī bù xiāo) - can not stand
8. 吃小灶(chī xiǎo zào) - enjoy some privilege
9. 吃官司(chī guān si) - get into lawsuit
10. 吃老本(chī lǎo běn) - rest on one’s laurels
11. 吃闭门羹(chī bì mén gēng) - give a cold shoulder
12. 吃回头草(chī huí tóu cǎo) - go back where one used to be
13. 吃里扒外(chī lǐ pá wài) - live on sb. while helping others secretly
14. 吃不了兜着走(chī bù liǎo dōu zhe zǒu) - have more trouble than you can handle

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